Mother of 13: "I want IVF for Christmas"
A mother-of-13 has told her husband she wants IVF for her Christmas present this year.
Debbie Simpson, 45, is struggling to conceive for the first time in her life with Derek, but doesn't yet feel her family is complete.
'Having babies is my job,' said Mrs Simpson, who has spent an incredible ten years of her life pregnant.
'I love it and I'll keep trying until I'm 60. We didn't plan to have such a big family, it just kind of happened because there was no reason to stop.'
'It's never taken me longer than six months to fall pregnant when we stop using contraception.'
'On Christmas morning our living room is like a war zone - but it's all about the kids.
'That's why it makes me sad, because all I want is another baby to make everything perfect.'
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Mother of 13: I want IVF for Christmas so I can have my 14th baby
Originally posted on December 15, 2009.
Photo credit: Alan Peeples|
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Category: 45
Mother of 13: "I want IVF for Christmas is an informative blog post,,,Thanks for sharing such info freely...