We're Having Fun Trying for More Kids!
Parents Jim Bob and Michelle were joined by their 19 children, as well as son Joshua's wife and two twins, on Today this morning. There they were greeted by Savannah Guthrie who asked them pointedly if they have any big news to share.
"Not that I know of," Michelle says. "We would love to, but we don't today."
That doesn't mean they aren't trying, though. The 45-year-old admits that she definitely has plans for more babies in the future.
"We definitely are. We would love more if the Lord saw fit to give us more," she says. "So, we will wait and see. But today isn't one of those days where we get to make that kind of announcement."
"It is fun trying though," Jim Bob adds with a laugh.
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by Ivy Shih Leung
-- Author Ivy Shih Leung shares her not-so-perfect road to motherhood in this book that is part memoir and part self-help guide, reflecting lessons learned in the form of helpful tips and information to empower readers on the biological and sociological roots behind postpartum depression (PPD).
She also seeks to raise awareness of the myths of motherhood and the stigma of PPD that contribute to the silent suffering of many mothers, as well as the importance of adequate social support in the early postpartum weeks.
A culmination of Ivy's frightening PPD journey and her emergence from it with a passion to learn more about perinatal mood disorders, this book is fueled with passion to help other women and their families, anger from the unnecessary suffering Ivy went through from the lack of information available to the public about PPD, her doctors' ignorance and lack of sensitivity, and public remarks like,
There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance.
All of which shows there's still a long way to go in terms of educating the public about an illness that is suffered by one in eight new mothers.

Click to order/for more info: One Mom's Journey to Motherhood
Category: 45