Unexpected surrogate to carry her baby
More than two years before, at age 29, Emily had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. But just before she was to undergo a radical hysterectomy, she was told that she was pregnant.
Faced with saving her life or their unborn child's, the young couple made the excruciating decision to go forward with her surgery. It meant losing the baby and forfeiting any chance at having children.
Or so they thought.
"I can't describe what that was like after finding out you have cancer, after finding out your chance of ever carrying a baby is gone," Emily says.
But now, more than two years later, she and Mike had come to a Chicago hospital to realize the dream they thought was lost — to become parents, though not the way they had imagined.
Alongside them was Emily's mother, Cindy Reutzel — a fit, silver-haired 53-year-old grandmother with a pregnant belly.
Reutzel was about to give birth to her own grandchild.
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by Zara Griswold
-- Documents the true stories of twenty women who had children via surrogacy. Surrogacy is a complete possibility in today's day and age, but anyone considering this route to parenthood should know the pros and cons.
The women featured go to surrogacy for a variety of reasons, ranging from Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) to cancer to unexplained infertility and everything in between.
Some of the journeys go rather smoothly-while others are filled with one obstacle after another. Some of the women have children already and want to add to their family, while most are attempting to become moms for the first time.
What they all have in common, however, is that every woman whose story is told knows what it's like to be an intended mother-the term for the "mother to be" if and when a baby is born.
And all of the women ultimately end up having a child (or more) through surrogacy. When I first started researching surrogacy, I was fortunate to find several Online support groups.
As I gave and received support to so many other women I became fascinated with the extent to which people would go to simply have a baby. I realized that their stories-our stories-needed to be heard; thus, the idea for this book was born.
For the millions of women who have been touched by infertility in some way, or know someone who has, Surrogacy Was the Way will open their eyes to amazing possibilities.
It will show them that they do have options, and with persistence and faith, they can achieve their dreams of motherhood after all.
Paperback: 320 pages - Click to order/for more info: Surrogacy Was the Way
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