Midlife Single Mum
I didn't choose to have my first child at the age of 46, it just happened.
I actually chose to have about six children fathered by an extremely wealthy husband and all in my 20s.
Would that becoming a mother were as easy as shopping for furniture.
The best advice I ever got was from my doctor who told me not to think about the details of being an older mother too much.
One thing I can tell you," she said, "is that no one I know who has gone ahead with having a baby in untypical circumstances has ever regretted it so there's no point in scaring yourself out of it."
Motherhood is all I have ever wanted and I waited a long time for it. It wasn't cheap and it wasn't an easy journey. If I'd realized my dream earlier I wouldn't have the daughter
I eventually brought home. Am I a different mother to the mother I would have been in my 20s? Probably.
Am I a better or worse mother because of my age? Absolutely not.
--- Rachel Selby writes a beautifully eloquent and honest blog, Midlife Single Mum, about her IVF journey, life in Jerusalem as a single mum, and some really delicious regional vegetarian recipes.
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by Caroline Gallup
-- A frank account of one couple's discovery that they cannot have children of their own, and their ensuing struggle through four years of fertility treatment.
One in six couples worldwide seek assistance to conceive and 80 per cent of couples undergoing fertility treatment are currently unsuccessful.
Writing with humour and honesty, Caroline Gallup describes the social, emotional, spiritual and physical impact of infertility on her and her husband, Bruce, including feelings of bereavement for the absent child, the unavoidable sense of inadequacy and the day-to-day difficulties of financial pressure.
As well as telling her own moving story, she also offers information and guidance for others who are infertile, or who are considering or undergoing treatment.

Click to order/for more info: Making Babies the Hard Way
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