Menopause Isn't Necessarily the End for Pregnancy
I personally met a woman that after 2 years of ceasing to menstruate, became pregnant with a 3rd and final child. I met this woman at the local beach and was so happy to have met her because she gave me so much hope at a time when I was in need of it.
This woman had stopped menstruating at 38. She had been experiencing a lot of health problems at that time in her life, so it made sense to me that her fertility would be impacted by her ill health as result.
After 2 solid years of an absence of menstrual cycles she found herself pregnant once again at the age of 40. She was shocked to get this news because she hadn't had a period or any other sort of sign that she had regained her fertility. wheels were turning. I was so excited to actually meet someone that experienced this, and I began to think about how this could be, based on all the statistics of women being labeled "menopausal" after just one year of menstrual cycles ceasing. Here was a gal with 2 years under her belt in that regard! It was so great to meet this woman!
I went on to conceive and give birth to two healthy boys at the age of 43, and 45 years old.
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Strategies to Release You From the Bondage of Infertility
by Lyn Vaccaro
-- A story of my personal journey of thriving fertility that produced 6 healthy girls, then upon turning 40 becoming infertile as I conceived and miscarried 5 times consecutively.
At which point I changed my diet and lifestyle to raw live food and juicing to create a healthier environment in my body.
After a year of practicing this, I went on to conceive and give birth to two healthy boys at the age of 43, and again at 45.
Length: 22 pages

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