Acupuncture is the reason I conceived so easily
Kim Colley, 45, a graphic designer, lives with husband Andrew, 40, a freelance editor, and their son Charlie, two, in St Albans, Hertfordshire. They spent £1,500 on acupuncture to help Kim conceive.
Kim says:
I had always wanted children but it had never been the right time and my career and lifestyle always seemed to get in the way. I was 38 when Andrew and I got married in 2004 and we started trying for a baby two years later. At the age of 40, I knew it might take a while but I hoped I hadn’t left it too late.
A year later, I was thrilled to discover I was pregnant. But I suffered a miscarriage when I was six weeks pregnant. I was devastated but I tried to be as pragmatic as I could about my situation. I reassured myself that at least it meant I was capable of getting pregnant.
That’s when I started looking into alternative therapies that could help me conceive — and then hold on to the baby. Although it’s not been scientifically proven, there is anecdotal evidence that acupuncture can aid fertility, and I was curious to see if it worked.
After a recommendation from a friend I decided to go with acupuncturist Kate Dixey, based in Notting Hill, West London. I booked in for a session once a month, which later increased to weekly. It cost £90 an hour and I noticed the benefits immediately, so in my mind it was money worth spending.
In March 2009, six months after starting the treatment with Kate, I found out I was pregnant. I was ecstatic. Opinions on the benefits of acupuncture are divided — one doctor told me he thought it was a load of rubbish while another actively encouraged me to have it, but in my mind there is no doubt whatsoever that acupuncture is the reason I conceived so easily.
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by Madelyn Cain
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First-Time Mothers, Last-Chance Babies takes an extremely thoughtful look into a subject that is ignored in our society.
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