Britain’s first gay fathers hoping for girl
Britain’s first gay fathers have have spent £65,000 traveling to the U.S. so they can undergo IVF treatment which will ensure their next child is a girl.
Barrie (42) and Tony Drewitt-Barlow (47), from Chelmsford, Essex, hit the headlines 12 years ago when they they became they became the first same-sex couple to be legally recognized in the UK.
They have used a surrogate mother and egg donors to father four boys and a girl, spending more than £1 million in the process, but they are now desperate for another daughter and have looked to overseas fertility specialists so they can choose the baby's sex.
As three embryos have been used, there is even a chance that the surrogate could give birth to triplet daughters. They already have two sets of twins Aspen and Saffron and Jasper and Dallas.
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A Matter of Trust: The Guide to Gestational Surrogacy
by Gail Dutton
-- Published in 1997, this book is a step-by-step guide to surrogate parenting.
It discusses finding and working with a surrogate, what a surrogate program provides, what to include in the contracts, recommended testing for potential surrogates, detailed costs for each item related to surrogacy, the medical procedure, medications and their side effects, embryo cryo-preservation, demographics of surrogates and surrogate couples and the effects of surrogacy upon children.
One chapter outlines the laws in U.S. states and in Israel, South Africa, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, France, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and Russia. Jewish law also is discussed, along with the views of several Christian denominations and other religions regarding surrogacy.

Click to order/for more info: A Matter of Trust