Where there is a woman, there is a baby
"Where there is a woman, there is a baby" -- My Proverb
There is a story about a fertile chair in my clinic, there are more than 5 office managers hired in the past 2 years since I work here, 4 of them left for maternity, two of them in their middle forties and the current one is single but will leave for planning a baby as well !
Latest success stories
Most current men and women infertility data (just name a few)
Age: 45 / male
Past Condition: Low sperm
Number of Treatments: 2
Result: Sperm count increase from 20 to 42 million
Age: 47 / female
Past Condition: NA
Method (ART or Natural): IUI
Number of Treatment: 3-4
Pregnancy Result: (+)
Evaluation: In Process
Age: 48 / female
Past Condition: High FSH
Method (ART or Natural): Natural
Number of Treatments: 10-12
Pregnancy Result: (+)
Evaluation: In Process
Age: 54 / female
Past Condition: Menopause
Method (ART or Natural): IVF / Donor Egg
Number of Treatments: 6-10
Pregnancy Result: (+)
Evaluation: In Process
Read more
by Randine Lewis
-- Infertility affects one out of six couples today.
Dr. Lewis presents a groundbreaking alternative approach to infertility, explaining how she used traditional Chinese medicine to treat her own infertility, successfully conceiving and giving birth to two children.
In Lewis's experience, women who have undergone three to six months of the dietary changes, herbs and acupuncture treatments become pregnant with no further effort.
Lewis intersperses her somewhat technical examination of the program with anecdotes about her patients, weaving in discussions on diet, herbal supplements, acupuncture, older women and problems related to infertility.

Click to order/for more info: The Infertility Cure - US | CDN | UK
Category: 45, 47, 48, 54, donor eggs