UK's oldest mum speaks of joy
July 8, 2006 -- A 62-year-old child psychiatrist has become the oldest woman in Britain to have a baby.
The pensioner has spoken of her joy at giving birth to an adorabl
baby boy.
Patricia Rashbrook of Lewes, East Sussex, became Britain's oldest mother when her son, known as JJ, was born by caesarean section at Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, on Wednesday.
The healthy baby, weighing 6lb 10.5oz, was conceived after treatment from controversial Italian fertility expert Severino Antinori.
The delighted couple was pictured in the newspaper holding their new son, with his shock of downy black hair, in their arms, and spoke of how much they were looking forward to taking him home.
JJ was conceived through IVF using a donor egg and was the result of the couple's fifth and final attempt at the process, which cost £10,000.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Briton becomes new mother at 62
Originally posted on July 8, 2006.
by John C., II Jarrett and Deidra T. Rausch
-- This Fertility Guide provides a concise, sensible, appropriately scientific, but yet easily understood approach to modern fertility diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Jarrett and Dr. Rausch have translated their vast and highly successful clinical experience into a
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