This time I stayed pregnant!
Sue and husband Mike conceived their first child within eight weeks of trying. Then they suffered three years of secondary infertility. Sue was 46 when she shared her story with us.
"When our gorgeous little boy was 18-months-old we decided to do it all over again. For the next three years, our life became an emotional roller-coaster. We conceived in a month, reached 12 weeks and were starting to tell people when a week later it was the horror story of waking up in a pool of blood: the baby had gone.
"Fourteen months later we were at the infertility clinic because we'd been unable to conceive. Finally, I got pregnant again but it only lasted seven weeks. We were desperate to find out what was wrong but when tests revealed that both my husband and I were carrying rare chromosomal abnormalities it was a terrible shock.
Six weeks later I had a third miscarriage. We were facing the double whammy of fertility problems and a genetic predisposition to miscarriage. You think you want to find out what the problem is, but you have to be prepared for what the results might reveal. You don’t expect to be told something is unfixable.
"Of course we're so grateful for Jack and we adore him, but that doesn't take away the grief for a child lost, nor the longing for another child. Who's to say which is worse: knowing the joys having a child can bring but not being able to experience them again or never having known what you're missing?
"We never gave up hope and six months on I became pregnant again – and this time stayed pregnant! There's not a day goes by when I don’t look at Kate and think ‘Thank God I have you.’
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by Nancy London
-- The first prescriptive and anecdotal guidebook for the multitudes of older moms, and distills the wisdom, insight, and practical advice gathered during her years as a therapist and support group leader.
With tips for renewing physical and sexual energy, parenting after infertility and adoption, balancing career and family, and caring for elderly parents, the personal stories from these older moms are often humorous, sometimes surprising, but always reassuring.
Without exception, the reader will be left with the comforting knowledge that she is not alone on her journey. Hot Flashes fills a much-needed place in the parenting field, at a time when more and more women are embracing motherhood later in life.

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Category: 46