Triplets owe lives to super surrogate mother
Dan and Jody Wegge are just one of the couples who can thank Meredith Olafson, the so-called 'Super Surrogate', for giving birth to their children.
Brooke, Megan and Nicholas, Mrs Wegge's 13-year-old triplets, were the first children in North Dakota born from a gestational carrier (a surrogate mother who has no biological link to her baby because she does not provide her own egg).
The Minnesota couple, who relocated after the triplets were born, looked to the services of Mrs Olafson, a 47-year-old gestational surrogate from North Dakota who has given birth to 11 children in addition to three of her own, after Mrs Wegge, 47 also, lost her uterus during a hysterectomy.
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-- a how-to guide to Surrogacy. It covers Gestational Surrogacy via IVF as well as Traditional Surrogacy via Artificial Insemination.
The mystery that surrounds Surrogacy is demystified and everything is broken down into layman's terms. This book will take you from deciding if Surrogacy is the right path for you, to contact with your surrogate after the delivery and everything in between.
You will learn about the legal, medical, as well as the emotional aspects of choosing Surrogacy as your pathway to parenthood. You will be given the pros and cons of using an agency as well as going about it on your own.
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