More older moms don't stop with one baby
Cynthia Wilson James was always sure about two things: She wanted a husband who shared her spiritual beliefs, and she wanted to have more than one child with him.
And just because she didn't reach that first goal until she was 40 didn't mean the second one was out of reach.
The Columbia, S.C., woman, now 52 years old, conceived her first daughter, who just turned ten years old, around her first wedding anniversary.
Daughter number two, who turned eight years old in January, was conceived less than two years later.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: More older moms don't stop with one baby
Originally posted in April 12, 2012
Photo Credit: Cynthia Wilson James /
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by Marlo Schalesky
-- Contains frank and emotionally resonate stories from both men and women facing the struggle of infertility.
Mother's Day is not a joyful occasion for all women, particularly those who would like to have children but cannot.
Marlo Schalesky's Empty Womb, Aching Heart: Hope and Help for Those Struggling with Infertility does for Christian women what Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin's Tears of Sorrow, Seeds of Hope: A Jewish Spiritual Companion for Infertility and Pregnancy Loss did for Jewish women: provide comfort and camaraderie in the face of infertility and pregnancy loss.

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