Mary McCormack - Family-Friendly On Set
Mary McCormack, 43, welcomes her daughters Margaret, 6½, and Rose, 4, into the cozy, kid-friendly space, outfitted with a child-sized table, bookcase and toy nook, whenever she has a break from scenes.
They're in school during the day and then after school, they usually come here,
she says. It’s nice and they like to be in the trailer.
We draw, paint, read and play hide and seek,
she says. We have pillow fights in the little bedroom. Margaret was 1½ when we shot the pilot and Rose was 8-weeks-old when I came back to work. They’ve never known life without it.
McCormack says that having the chance to see her kids during the day makes her feel like a very lucky working mom.
I've nursed babies on-set and in the hair and makeup trailer,
she says.
While working on the fourth season of In Plain Sight, McCormack learned she was pregnant. The producer saw a neat plot twist, she said: A baby jostles everything for a cynic who dislikes children, a control freak whose life is already overcrowd: She's going to be sleep-deprived and frustrated.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Mary McCormack Keeps It Family-Friendly On Set
Originally posted in June 28, 2011.
Photo Credit: Gregg Segal /
All rights reserved
by Nicky Wesson
-- outlines ways in which you can improve your fertility through alternative therapies, diet, exercise, and relaxation techniques and avoid some of the hazards associated with conventional treatments.
It discusses the most common causes of infertility and explains how to determine which therapy is most appropriate for you.
In vitro fertilization, conventional medicine's most prescribed remedy for infertility problems is expensive, dangerous, and has a success rate of only 14 percent, yet few of the one in six couples that experience infertility are aware of the effectiveness and safety provided by the wide range of alternative treatments.
Thoroughly researched and packed full of invaluable advice and tips, the book explores such therapies as acupuncture, reflexology, homeopathy, cranial osteopathy, aromatherapy, and herbalism.
The author includes case histories for each of the therapies discussed, showing how the therapies helped couples overcome both primary and secondary infertility in order to have the baby they longed for.

Click to order/for more info: Enhancing Fertility Naturally
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