Late arrivals well worth waiting for
Dawn Morris, 44, from Ilkley, says she was very surprised to find herself pregnant at 42.
I was gobsmacked,
she says. I didn't meet my partner, who's quite a bit younger than me until I was 41 and it really didn't occur to me that I could become pregnant. I thought I was going in to the menopause.
I think I have more patience, and I also appreciate and make quality time to spend with my daughter,
says Dawn.
I loved my job as a registered nurse before I had Lilly and didn't think twice about working overtime. Since having Lilly, although I enjoy my two days at work, at the back of my mind I'm wondering if I'm missing an important milestone in Lilly's life.
I no longer do overtime. As soon as my shift is over I'm off like a shot I can't wait to see Lilly and hear what sort of day she's had.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Late arrivals well worth waiting for
Originally posted in March 28, 2012.
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by Gilda Dangot Simpkin
-- This is the heart-wrenching tale of our convoluted 10-year quest to have a family, from the serious, and sometimes hilarious side of fertility treatments, through two harrowing international adoptions. Our journey is filled with so many cliff hangers it reads more like a suspense tale than reality.
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