Elif at 41, Sema when I was 43
For Diane Carlita, a university lecturer who lives in Leeds, waiting until her 40's to start a family has brought only good things.
"I always wanted to have children, but always in a few more years. I never felt a burning desire to have them right away. So I kept putting it off and putting it off, and then I hit my late 30's and I had to decide whether to get married and probably have children, or remain single and probably childless. I took the plunge and got married at 38."
"I had Elif, now two and a half, at 41, and Sema, now five months, when I was 43. I’m so glad I waited this long. First of all, I’m advanced in my career and have a lot of financial stability, so we can afford childcare and everything else that comes with having children.
"Most of my friends already have children, so I’ve been able to learn from their experiences and draw on their advice. But mostly, I feel much more relaxed in my 40s than I was in my 20s."
She believes she is a better mum now than she would have been 20 years ago.
“I would have been less patient. In the end I would have resented missing out on the good things about youth; travel, going out at night and feeling free to work in the evenings or weekends if I wanted to.”
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on AsianAge.com
Read more: Late arrivals well worth waiting for
Originally posted in March 28, 2012.
Photo Credit: jamocha76
by John C., II Jarrett and Deidra T. Rausch
-- This Fertility Guide provides a concise, sensible, appropriately scientific, but yet easily understood approach to modern fertility diagnosis and treatment.
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