Delighted at falling pregnant after 22 years
As Paula Lackie strokes her swollen tummy she admits she is counting the days until the arrival of her unborn baby.
In her 20s, tests revealed she could never fall pregnant naturally.
Rather than giving up on her dream of becoming a mum, Paula and her then-husband adopted two children they adore.
For most of the next two decades, she admits she secretly hoped doctors had got her diagnosis wrong, only to be left shattered each month when she failed to conceive.
And only after finally giving up hope of ever falling pregnant naturally did she discover she was expecting.
Paula, 43, of Haddington, East Lothian, said: At first I thought I must be starting the menopause.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Delight for woman as she falls pregnant after 22 years of trying
Originally posted in April 15, 2012.
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