Surprise Child: Finding Hope in Unexpected Pregnancy
Leslie Leyland Fields has written an immensely important book, one that prods your mind, touches your heart, and speaks to your soul. Surprise Child is a small masterpiece that all pro-lifers should read and then read again and then share with others.
...her life firmly on track, wham, she's pregnant at 42. Seemingly a blink of an eye later, she is pregnant again at 44.
Surprise Child is written for women like Fields. As she writes resources for women in her circumstances were few and far between and none particularly helpful. She writes to convince these women that they have what it takes to carry their baby to term, regardless of circumstances or the siren calls to abort.
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by Leslie Leyland Fields
-- Unplanned pregnancies happen to women in every season of life: the newly married, the never-married, the empty-nester, the teenager, the overworked mother, the career woman.
Yet we rarely talk about how lonely and confusing this experience can be.
In Surprise Child, Leslie Leyland Fields, who experienced two unplanned pregnancies in her forties, lyrically weaves her own story with the stories of other women who understand the isolation you face as expectations and plans are turned upside down to make room for a child.
Each year, more than three million women discover themselves pregnant–at a hard time, the wrong time, at a difficult place in their lives. I am one of those women...
Together, these women walk with you month-by-month through the physical and emotional stages of pregnancy, voicing with startling honesty their own anxieties and struggles.
Here you will find the companionship and hope you need to journey toward new life.

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Category: 44