Stork Makes Unexpected Call
September 25, 1983 - In Fridley, Minn., Cathy Montain had figured that, at age 44, it wasn't too late to quit smoking.
She thought the lack of cigarettes was what was making her waistline expand.
But one morning last week, she found out she wasn't too old for something else, and an hour later gave birth to a healthy 7-pound, 9-ounce girl.
You can either laugh or cry. And we are laughing,
said Montain.
She and her husband, David, a state highway designer have five other children.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found in the Gainesville Sun
Read more: Expecting But Not Expectant
Originally posted in September 25, 1983.
Photo Credit: AP Wirephoto to the Sun / Gainesville Sun
All rights reserved
by Ellen Sarasohn Glazer
-- Parents who have wondered about the long term impact of infertility on their self image will find the answers in this insightful book by Lois Melina, author of Raising Adopted Children and Making Sense of Adoption.
Finally, here's a book that's sensitive and responsive to the unique emotional experience of parenting after a long, arduous course of infertility diagnosis and treatment.
The Long-Awaited Stork gives you all the information, advice, and support you need to adjust to and cope with the special problems of parenting after infertility.

Click to order/for more info: The Long-Awaited Stork
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