Hit-and-run shatters dreams
March 1, 2011 - Lynette Venezia was walking on air Monday morning when she left Mercy Hospital.
Doctors had just given her a clean bill of health. She was five months' pregnant, and though in a high-risk category because of her age, the 44-year-old mother and her baby were doing well.
In explaining what had brought them to Mercy Hospital, Venezia said that because his wife has lupus, an auto-immune disease, smokes cigarettes and is 44 years old, her obstetrician-gynecologist insisted on a cardio stress test.
"We'd just left the hospital and Lynette was so excited she called her mother and was telling her she was doing well, when all of a sudden the truck hit her," Venezia said.
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Updated: June 6, 2011 - Lynette Venezia delivered by Caesarean section a 4-pound, 4-ounce girl just after 8:30 Monday morning, her husband told The Buffalo News.
Destiny, who was born at 33 weeks, probably will have to remain in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit for up to a month to give her time to get bigger and for her organs to develop more, Venezia said.
-- Thoroughly researched and informative, this book is a practical guide both for disabled women planning for pregnancy and the health professionals who work with them. The Disabled Woman's Guide to Pregnancy and Birth supports the right of all women to choose motherhood, and will be useful for any disabled woman who desires to have a child. The subjects covered include an introduction to the ninety women and their specific disabilities; the decision to have a baby; parenting with a disability; emotional concerns of the mother, family and friends; nutrition and exercise in pregnancy; a look at each trimester; labor and delivery; caesarean delivery; the postpartum period; and breast-feeding.
A list of references and a glossary will assist the reader in obtaining additional information and understanding medical terminology. Empathetic, balanced, comprehensive, and practical, this guide provides all the facts needed by disabled women and their families. It stresses the importance of informed communication among the pregnant woman, her family members, and health care professionals. It is the only book that answers critical questions and provides guidance for the woman with a disability facing one of life's biggest challenges.
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