Our dream baby cost us £40k
Karen McLaren and her husband Gary went through seven gruelling cycles of IVF treatment before daughter Alice was finally born seven weeks before Christmas.
But the couple say their eight-year battle to have a baby has been worth every penny after the safe arrival of their daughter Alice.
The couple first started trying for a family at the beginning of 2003, but after a couple of years Mrs McLaren still hadn’t fallen pregnant.
Mrs McLaren, 43, a medical secretary, said: ‘I had thought I would fall pregnant straight away as I was young and healthy.
‘But after nearly three years nothing had happened. So we went to see our GP who referred us for tests.’
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by Sandy Robertson
-- After years of infertility and failed fertility treatments, Sandy Robertson developed an all-natural pregnancy protocol leading to the birth of her daughter at the age of 44.
In this new expanded edition, she shares her research including over 100 references.
She explains how she:
- Overcame recurrent miscarriage
- Conceived multiple times of the age of 40 with one Fallopian tube
- Balanced hormones
- Increased pelvic circulation

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Category: 43, donor eggs