A lifetime of parenting in only 80 minutes
Sue and Mike Reed learned about the deformity [Trisomy 18] when Sue was 44 years old and pregnant with her second child. Since older mothers carry a greater risk of genetic deformities, Sue’s doctors scheduled genetic testing. When results showed they had a girl, they named her Gabriella Grace — or “Gi-Gi” for short.
The night before the birth, Sue wrote a letter to Gi-Gi telling her, “Some people only dream of angels, but I get to actually give birth to one and then hold her in my arms. I am so very blessed. See you tomorrow, sweet girl.”
“I expected a deformed baby,” Sue admitted, “but she was beautiful. It was like a visitor from heaven. It was like God showing me that what we did was the ‘faith thing.’ I remember feeling like my heart was exploding so joyfully. It was like seeing God on Earth."
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Photo Credit: Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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-- In 2008, Angie Smith and her husband Todd (lead singer of the group Selah) learned through ultrasound that their fourth daughter had conditions making her “incompatible with life.” Advised to terminate the pregnancy, the Smiths chose instead to carry this child and allow room for a miracle. That miracle came the day they met Audrey Caroline and got the chance to love her for the precious two-and-a-half hours she lived on earth.
Upon receiving the original diagnosis, Angie started a blog (Bring the Rain) to keep family and friends informed of their journey. Soon, the site exploded in popularity, connecting with thousands who were either experiencing their own heartbreaking situations or simply curious about how God could carry someone through something so tragic. I Will Carry You tells the powerful story of a parent losing her child, interwoven with the biblical story of Lazarus to help those who mourn to still have hope—to find grace and peace in the sacred dance of grief and joy.
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