55-year-old Woman Delivers Twins in India
August 27, 2007 - For a long, long time she had been longing for a child.
And menopause had overtaken her.
Still, she would not give up.
She feels doubly rewarded now, literally.
On Monday morning, 55-year-old Brinda became the proud mother of two.
Her twins were delivered at a fertility clinic in Chennai, a south Indian city.
She is now probably the oldest woman in India to deliver twins.
Both the baby boys, delivered during the hour-long cesarean section, and their proud mother are in good health, hospital authorities said.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on MedIndia.net
Read more: 55-year-old Woman Delivers Twins in India
Originally posted on August 27, 2007
Unexplained Infertility, Miscarriage and IVF Failure - Explained
by Alan E. Beer, Julia Kantecki, Jane Reed
-- A unique book—the first of its kind. No longer do patients have to accept their infertility is
just bad luckand they just have to
keep on trying.
No longer should women with recurrent miscarriages have to listen to their doctor telling them that their loss was
God's willor that they ought to be thankful because their baby was probably chromosomally abnormal?
The statistics simply do not support such claims — in fact, they show repeated reproductive failure can be a symptom of wider health problems in the mother.
Furthermore, the root cause can be treated — not only to promote the chances of a successful pregnancy but to improve the mother's health long-term.

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Category: 55, donor eggs