Getting The News at 45, and What Was I Thinking!!
From Menopausal New Mom :
I guess I should backtrack a little and say for the record, how blessed I feel to have had my first and it turns out only child at the ripe old age of 45 years old.
She was the typical beautiful, bouncing baby who now fills every one of my days and finally, now she is three years old, just the occasional night.
So there I was, 44 years old and well aware of how remote my chances of becoming pregnant without intervention were.
They must be somewhere in the negative numbers by now I remember thinking.
No problem. I'd stop taking birth control.
I probably didn't need them anyway, and it would satisfy my husband who wanted to make sure if there could be a child in our future, at least we were allowing nature to take its course.
So that's how I ended up like this.
Up to my neck in dirty diapers and staring menopause right in the face!
Read more: Getting The News and What Was I Thinking!!
Unexplained Infertility, Miscarriage and IVF Failure - Explained
by Alan E. Beer, Julia Kantecki, Jane Reed
-- A unique book—the first of its kind. No longer do patients have to accept that their infertility is
just bad luckand they just have to
keep on trying.
No longer should women with recurrent miscarriages have to listen to their doctor telling them their loss was
God's willor they ought to be thankful because their baby was probably chromosomally abnormal.
The statistics simply do not support such claims—in fact, they show that repeated reproductive failure can be a symptom of wider health problems in the mother.
Furthermore, the root cause can be treated—not only to promote the chances of a successful pregnancy but to improve the mother's health long-term.

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