Lots of babies born over 43... even over 50!
A friend of mine had her last child at 43 years old.
My paternal grandmother had her last one at 45 years old - my Grandparents told of my Grandpa's (literally) baby brother learning to walk after they were married!
My Dad is only a couple of years younger than his Uncle Bob!
A lady in my community had a baby a few years back at 48 years old , with no drugs! (She's an herbalist.)
And finally, my aunt Gloria had a surprise baby at 50 years old!
Ready: Why Women Are Embracing The New Later Motherhood
by Elizabeth Gregory
-- Over the past three decades, skyrocketing numbers of women have chosen to start their families in their late thirties and early forties.
In 2005, ten times as many women had their first child between the ages of 35 and 39 as in 1975, and thirteen times as many had their first between 40 and 44.
Women now have the option to define for themselves when they're ready for family, rather than sticking to a schedule set by social convention.
As a society, however, we have yet to come to terms with the phenomenon of later motherhood, and women who decide it makes sense for them to delay pregnancy often find themselves confronted with alarmist warnings about the dangers of waiting too long.
In Ready, Elizabeth Gregory tracks the burgeoning trend of new later motherhood and demonstrates that for many women today, waiting for family works best.
She provides compelling evidence of the benefits of having children later -- by birth or by adoption.

Click to order/for more info: Ready

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