This was her first baby at 48
Today I had the privilege to care for a mom who was 48 year young. She looked incredible and this was her first baby. She said she had decided to get very fit, and then she discovered she was pregnant. She did not have any issues with her pregnancy, and she has a beautiful baby girl.
It was so nice to see this, believe me I felt much more secure knowing she was raising a child than I did with the 16 year old mom down the hall. Older mom's may get a lot of slack, but let's face it they are better prepared to be moms.
I have heard stories of even spontaneous people getting pregnant from my friends and relatives, but I never met the ladies personally.
I practice NFP [natural family planning] . I am 50 myself, and would like another blessing.
My NFP instructor (who is also a nurse) said she had a lady age 50 deliver several years ago her 7th child, very healthy baby girl. This one I trust the most as it was told me by a medical professional (spontaneous pregnancy), so the age would be right.
My friend said she used to live in these apartments with an elderly lady a few years ago - the elderly lady's niece gave birth to twins at age 54 - the elderly who was about 80 something, and she thought it was spontaneous as they had older children, but could have been DE [donor egg]. Babies were both healthy.
My Dad (aged 85) remembers a neighbour lady having a child in her early 50's when he was a child (this would have been in the 1930's before DE [donor egg] )
My mother-in-law remembered a former neighbour of hers having a baby at 50 - this woman and her (older) daughter were pregnant at the same time.
by Sandy Robertson
-- After years of infertility and failed fertility treatments, Sandy Robertson developed an all-natural pregnancy protocol leading to the birth of her daughter at the age of 44.
In this new expanded edition, she shares her research including over 100 references.
She explains how she:
- Overcame recurrent miscarriage
- Conceived multiple times of the age of 40 with one Fallopian tube
- Balanced hormones
- Increased pelvic circulation

Click to order/for more info: You Can Get Pregnant Over 40, Naturally
I was married at 44 yrs old. Got pregnant with no assistance (except acupuncture) one month before my 45th birthday and then delivered my beautiful healthy little girl at 45 years/ 8 months. She is my first child and I thought my only until one week ago when I realized that I am pregnant again two months before my 47th birthday! This time, was a real shocker. I am a little freaked about the possibility of #2 but I am living proof that you can get pregnant at ages that the doctors say you can't. No assistance--my own eggs.