Pregnant by surprise at 45
Photo by Christine LukszaBy photographing pregnant women, I hope to share with others all the curious features their bodies temporarily behold.
When I first brought my little baby home from the hospital, I couldn't believe how overwhelming it all felt. And I had a husband and we had prayed for 8 years for this baby.
Here I was at 45, a first time mother, with my little miracle child... and suddenly I realized I was STUCK with a completely dependant person who only knew how to communicate by screaming, and who completely dominated every aspect of my life.
When I had my baby at 45, the doctors were worried about her nuchal fold being too big and a sign of Downs. They also did a sonogram on her heart in utero. My baby was born normal, and her heart is great.
Doctor's are very thorough especially if you have a good insurance company to pay for it. I also lost a baby, so I guess I really had 11 pregnancies.
Funny thing, I'd like to have another. We are open to it. Childbirth is normal and good for us.
I had my 10th baby at age 45. I am happy with all my children, and my last baby is a fine healthy girl. Having this baby made me healthier, because some new little person now depended on me.
After the birth, I lost weight and feel years younger. You'll never know, unless you're open to the new experience, what life will bring you. Don't let anyone scare you because you're older and wiser than you were 20 years ago.
At 45, with a baby and four older children myself, I can say that it does not make me feel old. If anything I feel rejuvenated by it. I found my first child far more tiring than my fifth, because I worried more.
Would he sleep, was he growing, should I get that spinach down him? My new baby only likes porridge and who cares: if that's what he likes, he can have it.
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Category: 45
I am 47 and just found out that I am pregnant. I wonder if there is someone at the same condition, or if there is someone that had a health full term pregancy at this age.