Lady is 49 & just gave birth
Last night I went to my pre-admission appointment at the hospital where I will give birth. I commented on my age, and the midwife said "You're not old - we've got a lady in here right now who is 49 and just gave birth"
My mother in-law's one girlfriend had her first child (IVF [in vitro fertilization] I believe she did too) at 47.
Women been having babies for centuries - young to older ... Why should it be any different now-a-days, regarding your age? Safer now for them to have their bundles of joy ... and great help with the IVF advance new technologies
My birthday is on May 18. I'll be 45 and I've been feeling pretty old --especially on the Oct Due Date board, where most are much younger. -- Yof (16 weeks pregnant)
The first thing you notice is that the birth rate for 45+ year olds were significantly high until the 1950's. I believe this was due to two factors -1 because it was normal to have large families in those days, and 2 because there wasn't any abortion clinics around at the time.
Another thing you ought to bare in mind is there WASN'T any fertility clinics around in those days. The birth rate obviously dropped for everybody between 1941 and 1942, because our men were away at war. The second thing you notice is the decline in the birth rate for those over 45 since the 1950's.
I personally believe that the decline is due to the society that we live in -1. because it is not so sociably acceptable to have large families these days, and 2. abortions are widely available for anyone who wants one (particularly for ladies over 45).
One of the most annoying things I hear is "you can't have a baby at your age because you are too old" or "you can't have a baby at your age because your eggs are too old"
The first question you've got to ask is 'how come so many ladies of my age had babies up until the 1950s' .......... kinda throws the 'old eggs' theory out the window, don't you think ladies!
In an effort to teach us how faith works, Paul is going to recall one of the greatest miracles in the entire Bible. I am referring to the birth of Isaac. What makes his birth so special? Well, his daddy was 100 and his mother was 90 when he was born.
The Guinness Book of Records tells us that the oldest mother on record is one Ruth Alice Kistler. Mrs. Kistler gave birth to a daughter at the spry age of 57.
There is one report of a woman named Ellen Ellis who was said to be 72 in 1776 when her child was born. However, compared to Sarah, these women look like teenagers!
Ready: Why Women Are Embracing The New Later Motherhood
by Elizabeth Gregory
-- Over the past three decades, skyrocketing numbers of women have chosen to start their families in their late thirties and early forties.
In 2005, ten times as many women had their first child between the ages of 35 and 39 as in 1975, and thirteen times as many had their first between 40 and 44.
Women now have the option to define for themselves when they're ready for family, rather than sticking to a schedule set by social convention.
As a society, however, we have yet to come to terms with the phenomenon of later motherhood, and women who decide it makes sense for them to delay pregnancy often find themselves confronted with alarmist warnings about the dangers of waiting too long.
In Ready, Elizabeth Gregory tracks the burgeoning trend of new later motherhood and demonstrates that for many women today, waiting for family works best.
She provides compelling evidence of the benefits of having children later -- by birth or by adoption.

Click to order/for more info: Ready - US | CDN | UK

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