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Pregnant with their 3rd child at 44

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Wednesday, April 30, 2008 | 0 comments

I know that it's possible for it to happen with people in their 40's. My friend is now pregnant with their 3rd child and she is 44.

She lost the second one, miscarrying at 12 weeks. She wasn't even TTCing [trying to conceive] and this one just happened. It was actually the last thing she expected to happen she was trying not to, while her husband was praying that she would!

They are both happy, their due date is in July, and everything is going well. They were an encouragement to me to keep TTCing, because I thought I was too old at 41.


My Dad's mom had 15 children (some twins) with wide variety of ages, I wonder how old she was on the last one.


My OB [obstetrician] has many patients pregnant over 40, that did it naturally. His oldest is 48! That's what keeps me trying.

Don’t lose the hope. There’s still time!


I am sure I am not the oldest here, but I know that for me, every good news I heard from other people helped, so for what it is worth, I got pregnant naturally at 43, will be 44 when it is born.

It did take more effort than when I was 20 (when it took none at all) - it was about a year and three months. First we just didn’t use anything, then when we didn’t get "accidentally" pregnant I started charting.

Then the charting made me insane so I'd quit off and on. Then I got pissed and stubborn, worked on healthy lifestyle, started using Preseed and ovulation testing.

I don't think we really thought I would, so now we are kind of in shock. Dad is 40.


Hi Julie, I am not sure who has done it naturally, but I know we have a mom who I believe is nearly 50, and had twins not so long ago.

I was 44 and conceived naturally, but wasn't trying. I was told I would not be able to get pregnant, immature eggs, irregular periods.

Well see, they don't know squat sometimes. Keep smiling, my son is now 13 months, I'm 46, and having the time of my life :)


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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost our precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted there will be no more babies in our house.

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