My uncle at 43, my aunt at 47
Not me, but my grandmother had my uncle at 43, and my aunt at 47. Go for it!
I got pregnant one month after my 44th birthday. I am over 31 weeks now. She is due 2 months before my 45th birthday.
I know I was lucky. After having and losing my first child to adoption at the age of 15, I had 2 miscarriages in my 20's, followed by years of infertility, PCOS, pre-cancer scares (2 times)
The first of 2006, I went on a major exercise & diet plan and lost 35 pounds (171 down to 136) I used Vitex, and the last 2 months I used Ovulex. I also used primrose oil first half, and flaxseed second half of cycle, baby aspirin, progesterone cream and drank green tea. My cycle regulated and I got pregnant the first try
Now my husband and I (yep, same baby daddy) are expecting our second child. We only have the one grown son and two grandchildren, so this little one is a real blessing -- Vicki
It's a little early for me to be making assumptions, but for what it's worth, I got pregnant less than 2 weeks after my 44th birthday. Just went to take my second beta, so we'll see if it's viable.
I had my first at 39 and have only gotten pregnant twice since then -- one chemical and one miscarriage at 7 weeks.
I have read that women are more fertile in the spring - April and May - than any other time of the year. I don't remember where I read this, but I'm pretty sure it was some kind of medical report/statistic. It sure was true for me.
I started TTC when I was 41 and have gotten pregnant 4 out of 5 times during the spring - 3 times in April - 02,03,04, 1 during May 05, and 1 in August 02. I have a healthy active 27 month old daughter, who was born in Jan 05 when I was 44.
I know of someone who is the product of a 50 year old mom and 55 year old dad. She's 43 now, so that's way before IVF and donor eggs and all that jazz.
It is not impossible.
How to Support Your Wife, Save Your Marriage, and Conquer Infertility!
by Marc Sedaka and Gregory Rosen
-- Mark Sedaka stood by while he and his wife endured endless rounds of drug therapies, sixteen artificial inseminations, ten invitro fertilizations, three miscarriages, and, finally, a gestational surrogate (
womb for rent) who carried their twin girls to term.
He was as supportive and loving as he could be, but he really wished he'd had a book like What He Can Expect When She's Not Expecting during the process. Most books about dealing with infertility are geared toward women, leaving the man to his own devices when it comes to comfort and encouragement (never a good idea).
With the help of his own infertility doctor, Sedaka provides straightforward guy-friendly advice on situations such as: What questions you should ask at the consultations, how to help rather than annoy, what kinds of tests you and your wife should expect, how to console a wife who appears inconsolable, and how to enjoy procreation sex.
Sedaka's accessible, empathetic voice, combined with the fact that he experienced everything he writes about, makes this a must-have book for any infertile couple.

Click to order/for more info: What He Can Expect When She's Not Expecting

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pril 26, 2008
My grandmother had her last one at 45
Well, my grandmother had 3 children in her 40’s. One at 40, one at 43 and then last one at 45.
If someone thinks she must have used donor egg IVF [in vitro fertilization], I'd like for them to explain how. After all, there was no IVF back then in the 1950's and early 1960's.
O, God Bless.
So it took her on average 3 years to conceive each child??