8m pregnant & she is 47
This past Sunday, while shopping at WalMart, I ran into a girl whom I had gone to high school with.
She was eight months pregnant with her second baby, and she is 47 years old...
We chatted for a few minutes, and I found she had a son who was five years old and was due in four weeks with this baby.
There is hope everywhere...
I think we all need to hear the good more so than the bad society and the medical profession tends to throw at us.
Yes, I was the same age, 44 years old when I conceived, and 45 years old when my second daughter arrived.
Other than some blood pressure problems, an uneventful reasonably natural birth, and pregnancy.
Now we are actively preventing a reoccurrence.
We consider ourselves to be very lucky people for it to happen so easily...
My mom was 43 years old when she became pregnant with my youngest brother.
Of course, she was already beginning menopause, she had not had her period for several months.
So when she got pregnant she didn't even realize it.
I'm 46 years old and expecting my fourth child on May 2nd.
I conceived with no medical intervention, although I did miscarry immediately prior to conceiving this child.
My c-section is scheduled for five weeks from today. I'm ready.
It's been a fairly easy pregnancy, but I'm ready for it to be over.
My back is starting to ache a bit.
I turned 46 years old a couple of weeks ago, so I guess if an occasionally achy back is the only complaint I've got, then I'm doing OK.
by Judith Newman
-- Today the number of women having their first child over thirty-five has increased by a bazillion fold, or some equally scary large number and Newman is the first to write a book telling what it's really like when a trip to the drugstore entails the purchase of both diaper cream and wrinkle cream; when
getting your shotsmeans both immunization and Botox.
You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman is not only about having children later in life: it's about what happens to a marriage—and to the spirit when even the most sought-after baby comes.
Wry, warm, and brutally honest, this is the book for any woman—whatever her age—who has awakened at 3AM to the insistent shrieks of her darling and thought: Oh man, I'm too old for this.

Click to order/for more info: You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman