4x women giving birth over 40's in 1960`s
Let's face it, the vast majority of women are not having children in their 40's because they CHOOSE not to and there is great birth control now available to make their choice a reality. I read that as short a time ago as the 1960's, about 4x as many women were giving birth in their 40's as give birth at similar ages now (including my own mother).
Hmmmmm.... what's different then and now? Oh YEAH, the advent of easily acquired and very reliable birth control in all 50 states. Also abortion on demand. Most women I know in their 40's are not having kids and really don't want to have any more kids.
I think too many RE's are below age 50 and haven't lived through the times when it was very "normal" for women to have babies through their 40's. Of course, the women RE's see trying to get pregnant in their 40's often need special help. Hence their stupid comments like "the baby you had at age 41 was a fluke."
Both things skew their perspective....if you are a carpenter then the whole world is a nail if you know what I mean.
Women in the "olden days" had tons of babies in their 40's.... Anyone who has done genealogy knows that. Amazingly so, in fact.
I'm not a grandma, but could easily be. I have a 27 year old daughter, 25 year old son. Skip 10 years, 16 year old daughter and now a 2 month old son.
I'm 49, so the grandma question has already come up, along with many, many second looks, dying to ask. A few weeks ago, my husband, 16 year old & I were shopping, and she had the baby in a chest carrier and people couldn't figure it out.
She looks about 14 and totally enjoys pretending he's hers. Finally, one lady just had to start a conversation to figure it out. I look too old, she looks too young.
The first day I took him out to a store, the clerk was oohing and ahing and then asked, "are you keeping him for the day?" I told her I have him for the next 18 or 20 years.
I am 44 and have a 4 month old. I, like you were completely finished with my family. I did not take being pregnant well at all. I wished it would go away until he arrived. I was embarrassed.
After all, how many 43 year olds get pregnant without trying?
Unplanned.. yes.. But I've been there and done that.. And I think I'm starting to come to grips with it.
As is hubby.. Haven't told the kids yet.. That should be interesting. I'll be 45 when he/she is born..But.. As my doc would say.. Age is but a number..
by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute
-- So you're over 40 and you've decided to get pregnant. You are not alone.
A growing number of women are waiting to have a baby until they are over 40.
This book will reveal:
♥ How you can have a healthy baby in your forties (in spite of all the warnings).
♥ What the biggest risks are and what you can do about them (it may not be as bad as you think)
♥ The 3 most important things you can do to have a healthy baby after 40 (you might already be doing some of them)
♥ Why older mothers often make better parents (the surprising reason)
♥ The one thing you should do every night to keep you fertile and able to conceive naturally (it takes 5 minutes)
…and Much More!
So get started and discover how to have the safest pregnancy and the healthiest baby when you are over 40 and pregnant.

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Hello Women-in-their-40's!
My husband and I have wanted a lot of children. We married in 1991 and 'started' trying to conceived in 1992. We have never stopped trying to conceive. Practice makes perfect! We only traveled down the infertility clinic trail a few feet and decided it was not for us. We have two daughters now, born 1999 and 2002. Children are a blessing from the Lord.
My cycles on average are about 23 days. And today it is day 28... though I am spotting a bit. In the last 5 years I've never had a cycle this long. :) (fingers are crossed.)
Please pray for me that I am pregnant. I turn 44 in ten days and husband and I really, really, really want to have more children.
May God be glorified. Amen.
Hugs to all you Mommies and Mommy-wannabees!
After all, how many 43 year olds get pregnant without trying?
Well, you definetely aren't and will not be the first nor last.