A new mom of twins & 50ish
I am a new mom of twins and 50ish - anyone with younger babies here?
I think a lot of women after having the Novasure procedure done also think, incorrectly, that they won't need birth control anymore.
My doctor did two of us the day she did mine, and told me a few months later when I went in for a check up that the other woman was pregnant, at the age of 47. I guess she figured she was covered.
I just found out a gal I know, haven't seen for years, is prego at 46. So far everything is great! She's about 15 weeks. Surprise for them, but sure gave me hope! - Samantha
Hi all, I just joined your site because I do not know anyone else personally in my shoes! I am 43, well almost 44.
I just found out that I am five weeks pregnant. I have two children 14 and 12. I am engaged to be married. I want to be excited, but this wasn't exactly what we had planned. I am worried about the possible complications.
Also my fiance is 14 years older than I am. He is concerned about his age and taking care of the baby/us. I have very mixed emotions.
I am also 43, and will give birth about 2 weeks before my 44th. My fiance is 50, and also concerned about having a child at his age. He is a little afraid of being able to keep up, but I think he is really starting to warm up to the idea and starting to get over his fear.
I am 16 weeks pregnant, and have had my moments of apprehension, but honestly I think I am at an age where I am settled and centred enough to do the what’s best for my child. I also know that I can provide all the things I want for my child as well as doing the traveling that we want to do.
We will just have another little person to take with us. We may not be doing what the 20 something mothers and fathers will be doing with their kids, but I think being older we have a lot more to offer a child financially, spiritually, and emotionally. I know it seems like we may be getting too old for this, but I think we are mature enough to offer our children much more than younger mothers and fathers.
by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute
-- So you're over 40 and you've decided to get pregnant. You are not alone.
A growing number of women are waiting to have a baby until they are over 40.
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