My Grandmother had 3 between 42 & 48
Who knows, maybe God gives us a certain amount of time with our children and doesn’t matter when we have them, when that time is up it’s up. I can name a dozen people I know who lost a parent between the ages of 6 months and 16 years, and all of those parents were younger then I am now.
I can name an additional dozen who are being raised by their grandparents for one reason or another. (Usually the parents just couldn’t cope.) I can also name several who had parents who were in their 40’s when they were born, who were still blessed to have their parents when they were in their 40’s.
My Grandmother had 3 children between the ages of 42 and 47 or 48, and she lived to be almost 90. My aunt had a daughter at 43, and her daughter is now 45 and her mother is still living.
My husband’s Mother had him when she was 36 (I think), and she is going strong at almost 90. His father who passed a few years ago, was once heard to say “I’m the only 80 year old I know who still has a mother-in-law.”
Joe’s grandmother lived to be 105, and Joe says she never slowed down a bit until she hit 100. Some of us are lucky and our lives take the course that want it to, others struggle harder and longer and never seem to be able to get where we want to go.
Many times hard work and desire are not enough, and if you haven’t had to learn that hard lesson, no matter what age you are, then consider yourself blessed. Most of us will find that as we mature and grow and yes age, we discover that what we thought was OLD, isn’t all that firmly written in stone.
Some of us will be old at 40, and others will just be getting started. Some of us will never have hiked 6 miles, even when were young and others will still be doing it at 80+. Some of us will prefer to sit around pool at 20, and other will have the burning desire to explore the countryside at 60. What is right or works for one person doesn’t always work for another. That is why this world is such great place. Diversity.
Many older women are having successful pregnancies with their very own eggs, and many are even conceiving the old fashioned way without artificial means. I am a living witness to that.
I am 33 weeks pregnant with my first baby at age 44, and will be 45 when my son is born. So far all looks well, and all the diagnostic tests have been good despite the naysayers, so yes there is hope. Don't let someone else's negativity keep you from having the baby you so desire.
I suggest starting with your OB/Gyn [obstetrician/gynecologist]. My General Practitioner referred me to a high-risk OB because of my age. He has referred over 50 older moms-to-be to her, and all have had healthy babies.
A friend of mine has a family member that had two twin pregnancies at 46 and 47 with her own eggs. She did do in vitro though.
My own son was born five years ago when I was 45, (naturally conceived). He was an "oops, how did that happen" baby. With my husband being on dialysis he was not supposed to be able to produce children. We shocked the doctors, so please don't give up.
I was lucky to have a great doctor, who gave me a lot of confidence. I had my (1st) child at 47, naturally conceived. My husband is 3 years older.
by Sandy Robertson
-- After years of infertility and failed fertility treatments, Sandy Robertson developed an all-natural pregnancy protocol leading to the birth of her daughter at the age of 44.
In this new expanded edition, she shares her research including over 100 references.
She explains how she:
- Overcame recurrent miscarriage
- Conceived multiple times of the age of 40 with one Fallopian tube
- Balanced hormones
- Increased pelvic circulation

Click to order/for more info: You Can Get Pregnant Over 40, Naturally