I was a 1st time mother at 44
You are right to be hopeful. Of course it can happen again.
I was a first time mother at 44 (natural/surprise conception). My daughter is six months old, and is the love of my life.
I conceived naturally with vaginal births at 42 and at 44. Both healthy children.
I had an OBGYN that after my 2nd son was born the very first thing he said when he came out was "NO DOWN SYNDROME", and he screamed it out. How bizarre is that?.
I run into women who are completely freaked out about their pregnancies in their mid 30's. Most of them have all of the tests done for abnormalities and just have to rule everything out because their "HIGH RISK".
Well if you ask me, it is high risk at any age to have a baby. I am now 47 and I don't think I will get pregnant again, but my husband and I are totally open to it. To be honest, I didn't have any tests done except for the nuchal fold scan one which is non invasive.
I'm not saying you are not in, but I'm definitely saying you are NOT out of the game.
Sheesh, my cousin, just last year turned up preggo at 45, delivered a healthy baby boy at 46....
Let me add one more "good stat". I'm 45, and got pregnant naturally 3 weeks after my 45th birthday.
I am far enough along (17.3 weeks) to really believe that I am going to be holding my little one come August...
I wish all of you your heart's desire.
Looks like we're living the same life. I, too, did TWO pregnancy sticks yesterday, and both were positive. Called doctor immediately, and went to lab for blood test.
Just got the call from doctor's office and it's a 4 week pregnancy. I am 43 (44 in May), and have a 12 and 9 year old. Married 17 years - already told him and he's shocked. He's okay with it, though.
I had just gotten to that stage of life where we could go out, and the 12 year old could babysit! OMG - wake me up! This has to be a dream.
by Liz Angeles
-- 45 and PREGNANT is a 3-part journey that begins with a 44-year-old single woman with no prospects, that leads quickly to a middle-aged pregnancy.
Her fears and worries about childbirth with her historically low pain threshold were later transformed by her decision to have a home water birth with no drugs and her success story that involved no complications.
Beginning with a serendipitous love story that led to the sudden pregnancy and concluding with the family events that transpired beyond the delivery, Liz Angeles provides a plethora of information for anyone considering a natural birth.
Her comical memoir spanning a 5-year period includes many healthy pregnancy tips and natural parenting options.
Her revealing details and personal choices promise to educate, entertain and inspire.

Click to order/for more info: 45 and Pregnant - US | CDN | UK

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My cousin had her last child naturally at 46 years old...it was her 6th child!