I became pregnant naturally at 44
A number of you seem to be still getting the "zero chance" speech. I just wanted to put it into perspective, and say that doctors don't know everything.
At 44 and with an FSH [follicle fertilization hormone] high of 19.6, I was told I had virtually no chance of having a baby by a number of doctors. After three years of trying to conceive, two miscarriages and two failed IVF [invitro fertilization] cycles using high stims (classic poor response: 2-3 follicles, one embryo, BFN [big fat negative] both times), I feared they were right.
Then I became pregnant naturally. I was doing acupuncture and reflexology, using OPKs [ovulation predictor kit] and BBTs [Basal body temperature] and taking a ton of vitamins, oligo-minerals and homeopathy grains. I had no special diet but ate healthily - including dairy and red meat - and had the occasional glass of red wine.
It’s been nearly two years since my daughter was born. I know I am very, very lucky and I count my blessings every day. I wanted to pass on my experience because when I was desperate and losing all hope, it would cheer me up to read success stories on this board.
Hello! New to this forum and pregnant for the first time at 45. Went for my first blood test and the pregnancy hormone and my progesterone levels were all good. BUT, I'm being advised to take the progesterone anyway due to my age.
Have spoken with several friends who have had to take the progesterone due to either trouble getting pregnant or trouble keeping a pregnancy.
I also got pregnant a lot faster than I thought I would. Went to an acupuncturist for 2 months and, bang!, I'm pregnant. So, believe me, I'm grateful! - Lauren
I haven't posted in awhile even though I have been lurking around every once in awhile. About 8 weeks ago, I started acupuncture. I feel it's helped me a lot. I changed how I ate based on my acupuncturist's advice, and she treated me according to where I was in my cycle. I visit her weekly.
Anyway, the other day my best friend blurted out "I think you are pregnant!" The same night, my mom told me my son said he wanted a brother.
The next morning (yesterday) I decided to test as my temperature was still up. The second pink line was faint, but got darker towards the 3 minute mark. I used a FRER [First Response Early Result].
I have an appointment to see the OB [obstetrician] this afternoon for blood work. I am still in a fog! Think sticky bean! Don't give up we 40 somethings can do it!
This is from the IVF Connections boards:
"Re: Dr Zhang
I had an amazing experience with the gentle cycle. I am now (after 5 IVF's [in vitro fertilization] -- am 44) 10.5 weeks pregnant, and am thrilled. I think he is amazing and brilliant and the staff is fabulous. If you want more info on him, I would be happy to speak to you directly. It was a tough year (and I am old in the fertility world), but he made the process easy and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
I took Femara 2.5m from day 3 until retrieval. I was also doing accupuncture 2x per week and taking herbs. The drug is similar to Clomid in that you create additional eggs, but considered much more natural. For me it worked (hopefully it will keep). I go back to doctor today and am actually quite nervous. I didn't take any other drugs until transfer and then he gave me Estradiol and a shot of something and that is it.
Dr. Z always made adjustments to my drugs. One month I tried Femara, another month he had me do a prep cycle with Estradiol or Clomid. Every cycle he did something slightly different until he found the right combination for me which was Femera.
This time was easiest and was probably my last try. I was emotional and exhausted and am so excited. I think Dr Zhang is brilliant and the staff is amazing. I would completely recommend him. not sure of your age, but he also does alot of 40+ women.
[From a later post from the same person] It has been an amazing pregnancy so far and next Friday I am delivering via c-section. He is the best!
Thanks for letting me share."
I was on the phone with my health insurance company trying to get some things straightened out. Told the woman on the phone about my IVF [in vitro fertilization] cycle, etc. and the woman said "don't you worry... my sister got married late, thought she wouldn't be able to have a baby and "boom", she got pregnant at 45!".
by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute
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