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Many stories of children born when mom was 45+

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Monday, February 04, 2008 | 4 comments

I know of quite a few stories of healthy children born when their mothers were 45+, but all were after natural pregnancies. My local clinic has told me that there have been NO published reports in the medical literature of IVF [in vitro fertilization] successes at 46 or older.

Yet several of you who participated in Dr. Zhang's call mentioned the Kato Ladies' Clinic in Japan, with their 7-8 live births annually to women 45-47. Were these fresh transfers? I tried to search for a website (in English) with info about the clinic, but was unsuccessful. Anyone have more information?

Also, Pam, I'm wondering about your post below -- is there any possibility you might be able to find out more about the 46-year-old mom whom you met recently at your clinic? (ie whether this was a fresh transfer, and if so, what kind of protocol?) If it's true that no reports have been published re: IVF success at 46, then I'd assume your clinic will write up this case study


The latest (2004) stats from CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] show that there have been live births reported up to age 45 from non-DE IVF [donor egg - invitro fertilization].

Strangely, they are showing zero from age 46 to 48, but a non-zero live birth rate for over 48 using own eggs?? Unfortunately I can't figure out how to tell which clinic that is without reading through each individual clinic's stats (and in any case, those breakouts aren't shown in the PDF report, which is all I have).

For all women over 44, they are quoting a 0.8% live birth rate per cycle started (not per transfer, as usually reported). For 44 year old, it's 3.3%.

The Kato Clinic, unfortunately doesn't post stats at all, not even in Japanese. I have asked if there is any CDC-type reporting in Japan but apparently not. Zhang didn't give exact stats for the 45-47 group, but the graph shows that they definitely do have some live births. The 7-8 number was women in Japan (not necessarily IVF patients) giving birth at age 47.


This is slightly off topic, but I just met a woman online (different fertility board) who got pregnant at 46 with an IUI [Intrauterine insemination] and Clomid. She has already had the baby.


I became pregnant at 44, gave birth at 45. My first clinic was Yale. I felt it didn't matter what the protocol the clinic put me on, because the clinic was so disorganized and poorly run.

They just kept overcooking my eggs, timing of ovulation was off, residents doing egg retrievals, I could go on and on. Yes, I am bitter.

Changed to NYU [New York University Fertility Centre]. Grifo was good but he was not that comfortable with AMA [advanced maternal age]. Overall, really good clinic. Changed to Cornell and RE [reproductive endocrinologist] Owen Davis. He put me on EPP. It worked.

I am also a poor responder, with an FSH [follicle stimulating hormone] on the high end of normal, with a past history of one live birth at the age 41 without the help of an RE. I also have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) like profile. --- Insulin resistant, high cholesterol, acne (yuck), but regular periods.


I'm 48, no kids and 4 miscarriages. Just found out I am pregnant (naturallly)!!!!

Unfortunately, I thought I was beginning menopause ,so I didn't even think my missed period could be due to pregnancy. Worse, I went in for a long overdue mammogram last Monday.

Standing with my tender-feeling breast sandwiched in the machine, the tech asked the routine question: "could you be pregnant?" "No," I said and the Xray went off, and suddenly I thought "Well, I could be pregnant....."

Went home and did a pregnancy test and sure enough....

So here I've been holiday drinking like a fish, and just had a mammo. Could it be any worse?

Except I'm pregnant! There is no containing the wonderment or joy. I know I have a very long road to hoe, but I also have a deep sense that this is out of my hands and I'm going to try really hard this time not to worry -- which really does accomplish NOTHING.

The thought of my sweet husband's baby growing inside me is beyond joy!!!

Thoughts from anyone on maintaining composure or the whole testing thing? - McF


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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost our precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted there will be no more babies in our house.

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  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    I am 3 days away from my pregnancy test after IVF I am 42, and the best news is that my friend who is 46 is 6months pregnant with twins due to IVF. Don´t believe the age hype whether naturally or with help you can do it. Our doctor is in Panama and has another patient 54 who just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I did IVF in the US and was overly stimulated with no results, simply because I was treated as an older woman, with more than half the amount of eggs my Dr implanted 4 healthy looking embryos, Please wish me luck and pray for me. Thanks.

  3. To Anon at 45 & 2nd IVF, I am so sorry about the loss of your precious little one. I hope your next attempt will be successful. Glad the stories help!

    To anon at 42, waiting on her test after IVF, thanks for sharing the great stories! I am most definitely wishing you luck and hoping for success for you!

  4. Anonymous says:

    i am now pregnant with twins and at 21 weeks cannot stand the pain underneath by breast from my muscles stretching so much.... doctor is now putting me on 6 hours a day... any suggestions

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