I am a 46y Mom with an 8m boy
Hi - I am a 46 year old Mom. I have two older kids - a 27 year old daughter, a 22 year old son, and an 8 month old boy.
Heard some great news at the OB [obstetrician] today! They just had a 46 year old give birth to a healthy baby with her own eggs - a new office record! Impressive huh?
I also don't think you're too old to have a baby. My friend got pregnant at almost 44 (naturally), and now has a beautiful 2 year old.
I am 43 years old, and just found out I am pregnant. Yikes. I am a single mom of two kids (8 and 9). I went through a very nasty divorce a two years ago, but I live with my wonderful boyfriend now.
He has never had children and is excited about the prospect of a baby. Me, I am not so sure.
And on a personal level, I know for a fact that my great grandmother had my grandfather when she was 43, back in the day when IVF [in vitro fertilization]wasn't done (and even if it was, she wouldn't have had the money to pay for it).
And as I stated on a different thread, my friend conceived her child naturally and gave birth when she was just shy of 44.
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