RE has 46 & 44y pregnant via IVF
The RE [reproductive endocrinologist] that I see, presently has a 46 and 44 year old who are pregnant via IVF [in vitro fertilization] with their own eggs.
So, he told me, can not say that IVF does not work for older women.
I gave birth to my 4th child 2 weeks ago, at age 44. I dreaded being pregnant, and having another child. However, the pregnancy went smoothly and I stayed active the entire time.
Labour and delivery went well also, and I was up and around like nothing happened within hours. My other kids are 15, 12 and 11.
I really am not worried about getting pregnant in my 30's/40s. I went to Catholic school and so many of my friends were "happy mistakes". I know more than a handful whose Moms were at 42/43 when they were naturally conceived. Additionally my first boyfriend's brother was naturally conceived when his Mom was 44.
Plus my Mom's best childhood friend, a mentor of mine also and 2 neighbours all conceived at 40-45 naturally. One thing I know about most of them they all were in top shape (mentally, spiritually, emotionally) led happy lives, had a good attitude, had stopped smoking or were non-smokers and were all normal weight range. (not too thin or fat)
Great site by the way !
A friend who graduated from high school with me, lost a pregnancy last year at 43 years old. She is now pregnant again at 44. She is 3 months along..
I've come across TONS of medical articles on the internet, "warning" women that they still need to use birth control during menopause! Because some women do get pregnant during menopause. It seems odd that these same medical experts aggressively tell older women they "can't" get pregnant.
They talk out of both sides of their mouths. Its becoming clearer to me that many older women are fertile - but society wants to make us think otherwise.
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