My cousin delivered at 46
I would agree. My grandmother had 13 kids in 25 years, last one at age 42. I have a cousin who at age 45 became pregnant (natural), and delivered at age 46. She has a little girl, 3 years old.
I thought of your success stories when I heard this...
One of my coworkers has two jobs, one is as a pharmacy tech, turns out one of the pharmacists who works there had been having an affair. He's 25 with a longtime girlfriend (which makes him a real ass in my opinion), but has managed to get his lover pregnant.
It was an accident, and she is none too happy about it, but is going ahead with the pregnancy. The kicker? She's 49!
Well , I have to say I was a young parent, and now I am the old parent. Had my first at 23, second at 43, and third at 46. As far as getting pregnant goes, it took a month at 23, 3 months at 43 and 20 months at 46. Gained the most with the first, gained the least with the last. (but I already had more to start out)
Don't give up!! I had my baby at 45. Natural cycle with my RE [reproductive endocrinologist], no meds, followed cycle with bloodwork and ultrasounds. HCG [human chorionic gonadotropin], referred to as the trigger shot to make sure an egg was released.
Two IUI's [Intrauterine Insemination], referred to as Back to back IUI's. I did have a great lining that month. Rested on the couch after both IUI's. I now have a beautiful boy!!
In 2003 at the age of 48, I too found out that I was expecting. We have 4 children, at that time our daughter was 29, son's 28, 21, and 20.
I was quite afraid of what their reaction would be. After the initial shock and them questioning if I was healthy, and the baby (girl) was going to be OK, it has been quite a experience. One that I do not regret for a moment, her siblings are her protectors, and the immense love they show her, we all so very happy.
How to Support Your Wife, Save Your Marriage, and Conquer Infertility!
by Marc Sedaka and Gregory Rosen
-- Mark Sedaka stood by while he and his wife endured endless rounds of drug therapies, sixteen artificial inseminations, ten invitro fertilizations, three miscarriages, and, finally, a gestational surrogate (
womb for rent) who carried their twin girls to term.
He was as supportive and loving as he could be, but he really wished he'd had a book like What He Can Expect When She's Not Expecting during the process. Most books about dealing with infertility are geared toward women, leaving the man to his own devices when it comes to comfort and encouragement (never a good idea).
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Sedaka's accessible, empathetic voice, combined with the fact that he experienced everything he writes about, makes this a must-have book for any infertile couple.

Click to order/for more info: What He Can Expect When She's Not Expecting

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