Moms in their 40s share their stories...
Jazmyn posted: I think also, it's amazing how much negative stuff we hear from the medical profession about TTC [trying to conceive] over 35, but hardly ever any good things.
My own mom's stepmother had her last child at 48years old, and it wasn't unexpected as far as I know.
Her husband, my grandpa, was in his 80s.
I know we live in different times, etc.
But one can only hope in the future, people in general can get over this fixation they have, with childbearing being reserved only for those 25 and under.
Sarah-Jayne posted: I'm in the exact same boat -- 44 years old (45 in March).
I just found out I'm pregnant - for the first time.
What a shock!
When my period was late, I just assumed I was starting menopause.
I finally took an EPT [Early Pregnancy Test] today, and got a positive result.
I almost passed out!
Going to the doctor tomorrow for my first prenatal visit.
Boyfriend is shocked, too, but supportive - thank God!
Angelina posted: I am 44 years old, with an unplanned pregnancy.
I think I am eight weeks.
This is not my first baby by no means, I have six children.
I am so undecided about everything.
I am in shock and denial.
I had drinks during Thanksgiving holidays, but Christmas and New Years, not at all.
Anyway I am here for support and all that.
Layla posted: I am 44 years old with unplanned pregnancy.
I just found out that I am six weeks pregnant...
Something not planned.
I am worried because, as it was the holidays, I spent quite a few nights drinking alcohol and basically not taking care of myself.
I have a bad habit of drinking wine just about every other night, and worried that my behavior may have already affected the developing fetus.
Of course, I have cleaned up my act the last couple weeks.
In addition, I am plain worried about having a healthy child.
Currently I am extremely tired, with headaches and some slight spotting of blood.
Who out there was/is in a similar situation?
I plan on going ahead with the pregnancy, but am not 100% convinced that this is what I should be doing.
Camden posted: I was in your situation, but I was 43 years old, with unplanned and unexpected pregnancy.
I did not have a clue for seven weeks and had several instances where I was drinking alcohol.
Once I found out, I stopped drinking, and everything ended up fine.
The pregnancy was tough, and he was born premature, but he is now two years old and it has been wonderful.
I was wondering what I was doing at 43 years old, having a baby.
I had a 14 year old at the time, and I felt I was out of my league.
But I wouldn't change anything.
I have had to find a support system, and there are not that many new moms
in their 40s.
I did find a Mom's Club with all ages and another mom at 43 years old, who just gave birth.
Most of the women are 28-35 years old, but our common bond is having fun with our kids, and it has been fun.
by Randine Lewis
-- Infertility affects one out of six couples today.
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