Her 45-year-old patient is pregnant -- naturally
Monday, my nurse practitioner [NP] called, and while we were discussing my instructions, she thought to tell me about another patient she had seen today (without revealing the patient's name, of course).
Her 45-year-old patient is pregnant -- naturally.
This woman had her first child, now three years old, at age 42.
Her FSH in July 2005 was 16.
About 3 months ago, my NP also mentioned to me a BFP [big fat positive - pregnancy test] she had called in today to one of her 42-year-old IVF patients.
I asked yesterday how the woman was doing and was told she had made it through her first trimester and is doing fine.
My midwife has a patient who is pregnant and 47 years old... 48 years old at delivery.
I asked if next time I'm pregnant, would my age be a factor in whether she could take me as a patient or not?
That's when she told me about this woman she'd just seen today.
I told her I knew some people who will want to hear about this one!
She also told me this is the woman's FIRST pregnancy!
I thought that made it even more spectacular.
Some encouraging news! My dear friend from college, 43 years old, had her baby last night.
A healthy perfect 8 lb little girl!
She has a 7-year-old daughter, has suffered numerous early losses, and a stillbirth 2 years ago.
She had testing done about a year ago and was on Folic Acid throughout her pregnancy.
But, other than a lot of close monitoring, her pregnancy was uneventful.
I am now 49 years old (almost), and my daughter will be 3 years old in March.
I got pregnant accidentally (can you believe it, a woman of my age getting pregnant accidentally, oh my,) and the father only lasted about 6 months or so before he left.
So -- single, going through menopause, with an almost 3-year old -- many tough days for sure.
Would I change any single thing?
No, my pregnancy was wonderful. I loved it, I love remembering it.
Wish I could do it again over and over.
I was perfectly healthy (and I was a smoker), and I had the healthiest smartest (of course), most beautiful baby girl.
Even thinking about it now, I get tears in my eyes.
She has not suffered because I'm older -- there was no way I would have been the parent I am when I was younger.
I am 45 years old and discovered I am pregnant the day before Thanksgiving.
Last year I had a miscarriage after seven weeks, and we've been trying again for 15 months!
( I never wanted children until my 5-year-old nephew appeared!)
I was just about to change my insurance coverage when I took the test.
I know there is a 50/50 chance of miscarriage again, but I want to encourage you to try since I squeaked by at the 5 percent rate!
by Brooks Hansen
-- Offering men a chance to be heard and women a rare opportunity to view the struggle with infertility from a male perspective, The Brotherhood of Joseph brings to life the anger, frustration, humor, heartbreak, and sense of helplessness that come to dominate the husband's role.
As his remarkable account reaches its finale in Siberia, however, Hansen's once again becomes the story of a husband and a wife who, even after years of medical frustration and fruitless paperwork, still must take one last risk together and trust in their most basic instincts before their new family can be born.

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#3919 (I think). The 49 year old who has a 3 year old?!? I applaud you. I feel the same way - about being at a point in life where I feel I would be the best mom. I know the consensus says do it when you are young (and get it over with). I dunno though, I feel now that I've done nearly everything I wanted to do. I don't feel I missed a beat. So that wondering if my life would have been different had I waited has moved on by the wayside. Would I have had more energy back then, probably. Would I have been more stresed out back then, probably. All I know is that I now live life understanding my grandmother's old sayings. Tomorrow is another day, don't worry about tomorrow, it's isn't here yet, 100 years from now who's going to know about it anyhow, worrying about it isn't going to solve a thing, I could go on. I think I can now just relax and enjoy the rest of my life (with child in tow) and not try to swim up stream. What ever happens happens and yes, I know all of the shorts cuts through Disney World and Universal Studious and the kid will just love it.
nawlenz - thanks for sharing your grandmother's words of wisdom - they are so true! And congrats on your little one!