Pregnant the same week I turned 45
I'm Anne, mom to Brian age 20, Allison age 17.5 and Liam age 2.5. My husband and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary in a few more weeks.
I learned I was pregnant the same week I turned 45, and what a shock! Liam is a terribly busy, smart little boy with a wicked sense of humor already. I can't imagine life without him!
I hope you have a healthy uncomplicated pregnancy, and a beautiful little baby in your arms before long.
I am 48 and have sons ages 23, 19 and 3 years. I, too, found myself pregnant at the age of 45, after 16 years. I have been married for 23 1/2 years. My little guy is such a sweetie I cannot imagine life without him.
I just found out that our priest comes from a family of 12, and his mother had 4 children in her 40's. She was 48 when she had her last, and this priest is 72 years old!
I love being pregnant and LOVE babies too and even though I just had a little one, I pray that I'll be blessed with at least one more.
As a labor and delivery nurse, I have seen the complications for both mom and baby that increase with older mothers. It is hard for me to form an opinion on whether or not women in their 40's should be having children. Some are having their first baby, so who am I to say they shouldn't experience the joys of motherhood.
Yesterday we had a patient come in about 8 months pregnant with twins. She is 59. She is a surrogate mother for her infertile daughter. The twins are products of IVF -- genetically they are her daughter and son-in-law's children.
I am a believer in Maca! I was taking it when I was last pregnant 2 years ago. I know several women who swear by it, including a 44 year old woman who got pregnant and delivered a healthy little girl this past year. (A natural pregnancy with her own eggs, her first baby)
by Sandy Robertson
-- After years of infertility and failed fertility treatments, Sandy Robertson developed an all-natural pregnancy protocol leading to the birth of her daughter at the age of 44.
In this new expanded edition, she shares her research including over 100 references.
She explains how she:
- Overcame recurrent miscarriage
- Conceived multiple times of the age of 40 with one Fallopian tube
- Balanced hormones
- Increased pelvic circulation

Click to order/for more info: You Can Get Pregnant Over 40, Naturally
Category: 45