Expecting my 2nd at 44
Remember, you're more mature and patient now, you've sown most of your wild oats, you're not still trying to 'find yourself,' you've done a lot with your life, so you have that much more to give to a child.
I had my first at 42, and am expecting my second at 44. Normal textbook pregnancy, both.
Being an older mom is great!!!!!
The other grandmother of my grandkids asked me if I still had a port-a-crib as her friend just found out that she is pregnant at the wonderful age of 47. This was not at all planned but they are excited.
Of course they live in a small apartment and don't have room for an addition. They already have three others still at home.
I happened to be home the other day (with Abby's surgery) and caught a Birth Day episode or a Babies Special Delivery or something.
There was a 47 year old mom on, having her first baby. She hadn't had a period in a year or two, and thought she was in menopause. Surprise!
Sometimes God blesses us when we least expect it!
I know this is an old post, but wanted to say thanks for sharing the story. I too know someone who is pregnant at 47 plus. She has gotten so neurotic over the judgemental and sometimes negative comments.
This is her second child in her 40's. I try to print out stuff for her to help calm her nerves, so I was real happy to see this post.
We had not planned on having any other children, but just recently I found myself again pregnant at age 45. I was very afraid at first since I thought I was pushing it with having Leah at age 42, but after reading so any excellent experiences of other mothers in my age bracket, I was touched to tears.
My own doctor, a few years back was starting her second marriage at age 45, and was considering to have a child with her new husband. I don't know if she did or not because I moved away, but I can say that I am so happy to see the world's opinion changing over the old thinking about older men and women in all areas of life, such as having families, sports, and not having to retire at some compulsory age, just because you've reached that figure of years.
by Sandy Robertson
-- After years of infertility and failed fertility treatments, Sandy Robertson developed an all-natural pregnancy protocol leading to the birth of her daughter at the age of 44.
In this new expanded edition, she shares her research including over 100 references.
She explains how she:
- Overcame recurrent miscarriage
- Conceived multiple times of the age of 40 with one Fallopian tube
- Balanced hormones
- Increased pelvic circulation

Click to order/for more info: You Can Get Pregnant Over 40, Naturally