She was 44 with her 1st
I work retail and about a month ago a Chinese customer came in looking or maternity clothes to purchase for her baby and this was her first. Yes she was 44!! She didn't feel too bad about it then when I told her I had my last at 46, he is now 10.
I have no loss of energy. I'm in great shape, and believe it or not no one believes me and my husband are our age. I do colour my hair every now and then otherwise I would be a platinum blonde. Customers actually think I'm in my 30's (Wow).
Hi, My Mom had me when she was 50... My father was 53... My dad just passed away recently... It did not matter that my parents were older and slower than my friend's parents... It did not matter that they were slightly out of touch.
In the end, all that matters is love, and I was given a whole ocean of it! And how fortunate I am to have had all that unconditional love, love is timeless, And age, at least to me, does not matter.
My mother had me at 44, I have 3 genetic diseases, the risk for genetic diseases triples after age 40. Because of course, I'm so glad I was born, despite my diseases.
If age 27 were the cut-off, all the bright, educated woman, who are intelligent enough to get their doctorate degree and a job before reproducing, would be barred. Those who wait have higher income, a better education and are able to provide for themselves and their children.
I waited until I was 44. I may not live to see grandchildren, especially if my child waits to obtain her medical degree before having children, but I can guarantee that no child has more love, more attention and more toys.
Remember that 99% of all the abused and neglected children filling our juvenile courts are born to YOUNG mothers who are too irresponsible to be a parent or to financially unstable to support them. Anyone suggesting that younger is better needs to visit juvenile court in any major metropolitan area.
Older, wiser and more stable parents are better for the child.
Ah, leave them all alone. A cousin of ours just gave birth to her two kids at 49 and 52. They are healthy and happy.
A friend of ours became a dad again at 70, the baby boy is one of the most amazing 4 year olds I have ever met. This really doesn't happen that much anyway. Why do we worry about people that want to have kids and are doing a good job with them?
There are thousands of people giving birth and then basically abandoning their kids. They never love or care for them. We should be concerned with the parents, no matter what age, that abuse and neglect their kids. Leave the parents that have wanted babies all their lives alone.
by Gilda Dangot Simpkin
-- This is the heart-wrenching tale of our convoluted 10-year quest to have a family, from the serious, and sometimes hilarious side of fertility treatments, through two harrowing international adoptions. Our journey is filled with so many cliff hangers it reads more like a suspense tale than reality.
As you come along for our wild ride you will be clutching this book praying we don't get derailed again.
Our story of determination and tenacity will give hope to anyone facing a difficult life journey.
Let my story motivate you to attain your dreams!

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