I just a couple months shy of being 49 and have been making my empty nest plans with excitement. I recently found out I am expecting baby #4 on my 27 year old's birthday in January 07. My youngest is almost 16, learning to drive and full of teenage attitude!!
I should be the poster Mom for poor family planning. I had two when I was 22 & 23, then again at 33, and now at 49! When I went to the doctor 5 years ago and asked for a tubal ligation, he told me I had less than 1% chance of getting pregnant at my age. Only people who bought eggs got pregnant in their 40's was his remark. I had my doubts about his advice and continued birth control until just a few months ago, thinking if it was 1% 5 years ago, surely it was zero now. Wrong!!
When I first learned I was pregnant at age 45, I knew intellectually know that I should love and cherish this little life growing inside of me. My daughter is now 5 years old (and I'm 51!). She's starting Kindergarten this fall.
I feel a little bit like "Peter Pan"... only I'm the Mommy who never grew up! I get to relive all the fun things you get to do with little kids - things like going to the swimming pool, the zoo, the science museum, visiting MacDonald's with friends etc. In the process, I've realized that I'm NOT growing OLDER
My mom began listing all of the friends and family she knows who had babies 45+, and how young it kept them. I just saw my 80 year old aunt, mother of 10, had her youngest at 46, and wow, she looked so good and happy. So there we go.
My mom had me when she was 45 . Back then there were no modern technologies like we have now . She did not choose to have a baby late in life, she just happened to get married late in life .
I am 48 years old, and had been going through menopause for a few years before I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on May 19th, 2006. I did not find out I was pregnant until I was almost six months. All the symptoms were similar to menopause.
When I first found out I cried and also felt very scared. Fortunately for me, my husband was very supportive from the beginning. This is our first child together. He has four children from a previous marriage (he is 58) ranging from 25-32 years. I have two children from a previous marriage ages 20 & 17.
We try not to think to much about how old we will be when….. We have decided to take it one day at a time, and just love him. We feel he is a miracle baby and a blessing.
by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute
-- So you're over 40 and you've decided to get pregnant. You are not alone.
A growing number of women are waiting to have a baby until they are over 40.
This book will reveal:
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