A Co-worker conceived at 44
A Co-worker conceived at age 44, and had healthy baby
I do know quite a few women who've conceived and successfully carried to term over 45, so keep up the spirit. Baby dust!
A lot of women were told the one percent, two percent, etc chance... and went on to become pregnant. I have no belief at all in statistics. They can only indicate certain things, they can't predict the future.
There are seven children in my family - Brigette, 27, Myself, 24, Dustin, 21, Gretchen, 17, Nathaniel, 15, Olivia, 11, and Zachary, 5. She had her last when she was 45.
According to her, it was her best and easiest pregnancy. Zachary was a full 1 1/2 pounds larger than the rest of us were (weighing in at 10 lbs. 4 oz.) and so her delivery was a bit more difficult than the others due to his size, but she sprung back from it faster than her few previous deliveries.
She also gained the least amount of weight and felt the best she ever had. My mom is very disciplined in eating good, exercising, and taking care of herself. She is especially conscientious about such things while pregnant. I think this has helped to contribute her healthy pregnancy with Zachary.
I would also like to add, that being the family historian, I have done tons of research on the census'. If you take a look, you will realize that a good majority of families were big (6 or more kids) and the age span is incredible.
Most births appear to have been about 2.5 years apart.... but as the woman (wife) got older, you could see where the children were more spaced out - 3 -4 years apart. I think the oldest I have ever seen (so far in my family) was the wife about 48 or 49 giving birth. Pretty cool.
by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute
-- So you're over 40 and you've decided to get pregnant. You are not alone.
A growing number of women are waiting to have a baby until they are over 40.
This book will reveal:
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♥ What the biggest risks are and what you can do about them (it may not be as bad as you think)
♥ The 3 most important things you can do to have a healthy baby after 40 (you might already be doing some of them)
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So get started and discover how to have the safest pregnancy and the healthiest baby when you are over 40 and pregnant.

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