She got pregnant naturally, delivered at 46
Even if you have given up, try and remember to baby-dance [have sex] whenever you have the egg white consistency mucous. I have a friend who is 46, and her MD told her that she has a patient who had many IVF failures and then got pregnant naturally and delivered at 46!
As a 44 year old woman, I had my thirteenth child on July 21st, 2002. I have been married for 18 years, will have our 19th anniversary in April.
So you are probably wondering how a 44 year old mom with 13 children is feeling? I can honestly say I forget I am in my forties. I feel as good now as I did when I was 25.
Carmen, a 44 year old successful photographer, naturally conceived and delivered a healthy baby boy, Carlos, last Christmas Eve.
"I am 44 years old and I will be a mother of triplets. I really believe
that the IVF acupuncture protocol makes the procedure have a better result." - Catherine L., Tribeca
I'd like you to know that my grandfather had his last child at 80 while his wife was in her 50's. No ART, nothing, just good old fashioned sex, the good old fashioned way. That baby, a girl is now a happy, snazzy 25 year old, who just got married.
It was really cool seeing the pics. of her hugging my 70 year old mom and her 70 something year old sister in the wedding pics. And at that time people were still not doing pregnancy checkups. You just got pregnant and had the baby, sometimes twins or more.
by Liz Angeles
-- 45 and PREGNANT is a 3-part journey that begins with a 44-year-old single woman with no prospects, that leads quickly to a middle-aged pregnancy.
Her fears and worries about childbirth with her historically low pain threshold were later transformed by her decision to have a home water birth with no drugs and her success story that involved no complications.
Beginning with a serendipitous love story that led to the sudden pregnancy and concluding with the family events that transpired beyond the delivery, Liz Angeles provides a plethora of information for anyone considering a natural birth.
Her comical memoir spanning a 5-year period includes many healthy pregnancy tips and natural parenting options.
Her revealing details and personal choices promise to educate, entertain and inspire.

Click to order/for more info: 45 and Pregnant - US | CDN | UK

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