I am 44 & 7 weeks pregnant
Donna. 44, Washington DC, USI am 44 and 7 weeks pregnant. This will be my first biological child, although I have a 14-year-old stepdaughter. My husband and I feel very blessed. We went through a round of fertility drugs in April, but because of a pre-planned vacation, we didn't take a thing in May.
Well, I guess the relaxation was what we needed, because I confirmed my pregnancy almost 3 weeks ago when I missed my period. Because of my age, I have had some great care, and even saw a tiny heart flutter 3 days ago on an ultrasound. My doctor told me that once you see a heart beat, your chance of miscarriage drops to 5%. I am so happy!
Robin, 46, Orange Country, California, US
I am 46 years old and had my 2nd child at the age of 45 after many years of trying and a couple of devastating (are there any other kind?) miscarriages. I have 2 boys ages 12 years and age 22 months and they are the loves of my life.
Erica, 44, Belgium
About a year ago I send a mail to Mothers over 40, saying my husband and I would try to become pregnant. I'm 44 now. As it turned out, we didn't try it seriously till last month. And guess what? I'm in my 5th week of pregnancy now!
I just want to encourage those women who think it will be hard to conceive over 40.
This is my fourth pregnancy (second marriage) and although I was much younger when pregnant the first three times, it took longer to conceive than now. Bingo at the first hit!
Clare, 46, Utah, US
Much to my astonishment I found out last Friday that I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. I'm 46, and I'll be 47 in October. The baby is due November 21.
I'm thrilled, as this is my first pregnancy, and I didn't think I'd ever be able to get pregnant. But I'm also scared, because I've had no morning sickness, and I've read that could be a bad sign that the baby is not firmly attached in the uterus and I may miscarry. I wondered whether you folks might know whether morning sickness might be less common in older first-time mothers like me?
I have a lot of fears about this pregnancy. It is a miracle, though. There's no doubt about that. Just being able to get pregnant at 46, that is! Please feel free to post this. It may encourage others who are trying to get pregnant.
My husband was the one who never, ever doubted that we would conceive, even though I was already 43 when we married. I think his belief was enough to make it happen. I conceived at the age of 44, naturally, and went on to have an uneventful pregnancy and birth of a healthy daughter, my first child, at the age of 45.
by Sandy Robertson
-- After years of infertility and failed fertility treatments, Sandy Robertson developed an all-natural pregnancy protocol leading to the birth of her daughter at the age of 44.
In this new expanded edition, she shares her research including over 100 references.
She explains how she:
- Overcame recurrent miscarriage
- Conceived multiple times of the age of 40 with one Fallopian tube
- Balanced hormones
- Increased pelvic circulation

Click to order/for more info: You Can Get Pregnant Over 40, Naturally