My mother got pregnant at 48
My mother got pregnant at 48 years old, and my dad was 51 years old.
My sisters were married with kids by the time I was born.
With medical advancements these days, I'm still considering the motherhood goal....
After all, my mom was pregnant at 48 years old, so I have good breeding genetics going for me.
Just got some great news ---- someone I know is pregnant with twins!
She is 47 years old....
Apparently, this woman had no assistance (just hormonal shots) and did not do IVF or use Donor Eggs....
She was unable to conceive for years......
My best friend's mom was born when her mother was 46 years old, over 65 years ago, so I guess it is possible.
Although a relatively rare occurrence, a woman can get pregnant with her own stuff until she stops ovulating.
Which for many of us is NOT at 47 years old.
My midwife had that chat with me two weeks ago.
She has two women in their middle 40's who had surprise pregnancies!
by Ophelia Austin-Small
-- Pregnancy books on the market have one of two audiences - the teen with an unplanned pregnancy or the adult with a planned and chosen one.
Nowhere is there a book for the almost 3 million adult women facing surprise pregnancy every year.
Surprise Motherhood is aimed directly at that gap, telling the stories of Ophelia and other women who have faced unplanned pregnancy as adult, professional women.
With extensive information about options, paternity, career issues, postpartum depression, finances, and more, Surprise Motherhood is the only reference of its kind, and is sure to be an invaluable reader resource.

Click to order/for more info: Surprise Motherhood

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