I had twins at 45, conceived naturally
Just to let others know that I had twins at 45, conceived naturally, so there is always hope.
I'm 49 years old and got pregnant naturally in April 2004. Unfortunately I miscarried at 6 weeks. I am now trying again with the attitude of "if I can do it once I can do it again ". The baby was my first so I was so excited and equally as upset when I lost it. I am fit and healthy and not yet menopausal, so I'm just going for it.
Why can't these people get on with their own reproduction and leave others to do things in their own way? My father was born when his mother was 53. His eldest brother was twenty years older. There was no uproar about that....
My mother had me at 44
My grandmother gave birth to my mother at the age of 47 and my mother always spoke of her in the warmest possible terms. By that time there was only one other child at home, who joined the army a few years later, and my mother thoroughly enjoyed being the only pebble on the beach! The family were poor, as it was at the end of the First World War, and not many people had spare cash to throw around, but my mother regarded her childhood as a happy and emotionally secure one and was able to pass this feeling on to me.
You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's